Where to buy books
If Sylvie Had Nine Lives:
novel in stories
If Sylvie Had Nine Lives is available in stores and online, and as an audiobook. Check with your local independent bookstore, or click one of the links below. Ebook formats are available from online sellers, including the publisher, and through bookstores.
As of August. 2023, If Sylvie Had Nine Lives is available as an audiobook. Buy it wherever you buy audiobooks. The audio is produced by Sean Prpick for Radiant Press and narrated by Kelley Jo Burke, who really gets it.
Find out more about the book here.
Sightlines: linked stories
Sightlines is no longer in print as a physical book. The digital version (featuring my own cover design based on a detail from a photo of my dad from the 50s or early 60s) is available on Kindle for $3.99 CAD. You don’t need a Kindle device to read it. You can download the free Kindle app and read on your phone or tablet. You’ll also find Sightlines on the shelf in many a library in Canada. Contact me through this web site if you’d like to purchase one of the remaining hardcopies.
Find out more about the book here.
The Art of Salvage:
After a fine long run, The Art of Salvage is no longer in print.
I’m looking into the possibility of making it available in digital format.
In the meantime, try your local library, or your favourite seller of pre-loved books. Or contact me through this web site.
For folks in my home town of Saskatoon, it looks as if Saskatoon Public Library has enough copies for a typical book club. With advance notice, I might be able to visit.
Find out more about the book here.